Space Weather 

Scientists find hard evidence that cosmic rays influence climate

AMERICAN THINKER The absurdity of the claim that global warming is “settled science” is obvious to anyone who understands what actual science is. And now, thanks to a group of scientists at Kobe University in Japan, we have an example of why climate science is so primitive as to be a faulty basis for policy.  They have hard evidence of the effect cosmic rays have on Earth’s climate. When galactic cosmic rays increased during the Earth’s last geomagnetic reversal transition 780,000 years ago, the umbrella effect of low-cloud cover led to high…

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Space Weather 

What are the Health Effects of Cosmic Rays on the Human Body?

Cosmic rays are energetic particles (not actually rays) traveling rapidly through space. WISEGEEK.COM They are everywhere, and several dozen slam into your body every second. These cosmic rays are too low-energy to cause any serious health effects, aside from a few genetic mutations, and cosmic rays are in fact one of the drivers of evolution. Your body receives about 2.4 mSv (milliSieverts) of radiation caused by the effects of cosmic rays every year. For comparison, it takes about 1 Sievert of radiation in a short time to cause nausea, and about…

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